Monday, July 12, 2010

Thing #10 - Creative Commons

I'll admit here, within the confines of my blog, that I don't may attention to most copyrights. I know about the copyright laws so I can't claim ignorance...completely. I just always thought if it was an image on the internet we could use it. was Disney, Warner Bros., etc. So I do pay attention to some copyrights. I've never noticed the CC logo. I must not be paying attention.

Most of what I have used are images and clip art. I use Microsoft's site a lot because I know we have permission to use the clip art. I warn my students about downloading from the web and tell them they have to get permission from me first; Again, its mostly images that they are using in a project.

I think this is a great tool to use and to teach our students to use. I talk about copyright laws with them but don't follow through with monitoring. I plan to teach them about CC and introduce them to the CC Search tool. I did not like the other two search tools as well. I thought the CC Search tool was easy to navigate and looks most like what students are used to seeing.

I would love to have access to some of the videos and lessons used in this class. I think I'll try to find out if they are part of CC.

1 comment:

  1. I thought I wasn't paying attention to the cc either but after searching several websites, I haven't found that cc. I'm wondering if it is fairly new. Like you, I hadn't thought much about copyright law. I honestly thought if it was on the web it was fair game. I now pay close attention to the copyright disclaimer.
