ne more place on the web to spend my time. I could spend hours looking through the photos and playing with this site. This will be a great site to use in my classroom. The Yearbook class can use it for their posters and ads. The Tech Ed class makes cards, invitations, and other desktop publishing products. I can safely let them choose images and photos from this site. I see the potential of this becoming a class favorite site. I have access on my server for the students to use clipart that I have purchased. I can easily see their library growing as they find favorite images that I can add to the library.

looked for beach pictures because I LOVE the beach. It's not really an educational topic but will make a great slide show to show my classes. They could create their own fantasy vacation trip! I discovered that the best pictures were not found when I searched for "beach". I also looked for ocean, sand, and sea. My favorite pictures were found when I searched for "ocean." Pay attention to the tags. Below is one of my favorite ocean pictures.

ou were correct when you said "Playing with these tools could be habit-forming." I spent way too much time on this Thing when you consider that I'm behind and so many more to do. I can see my Yearbook/Newspaper class having fun with this site. We often look for clipart to take up space in the newspaper but this will be much more fun!
I'm glad other people are willing and eager to share their photos. I would not mind sharing any photos that do not include people. Unfortunately, that's mostly what I take at this point. I have a new camera and this site inspires me to get more creative.
All letter images created by Spell with Flickr, using Flickr One Letter photo pool.
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