Monday, July 12, 2010

Thing #9 - Sun, Sand, & Technology

Whew!! I finally finished my Wiki page; Sun, Sand, & Technology. It took a little longer than I expected but it was fun. I had a few problems getting started. I wasn't sure what to do after I created an account but a classmate told me to wait for acceptance and then it will say, New Page. After that, it was fairly smooth sailing.

I'm thinking that I could have a Wiki page for my class and let the students create a page and use it for notes, assignments, or something. Do you think I should have a Wiki for the course or should I create a Wiki for each class period? I'm definitely using these new tools in our Yearbook/Newspaper class. I've also got ideas floating around about the Student Council. I think a Student Council Wiki might help us out. We have problems with advertising and this might invite students to take a look at us.

1 comment:

  1. I think a wiki for your course with a page for each class period would be good. You could assign students with the task of keeping the page for their period up to date with the appropriate notes, files, etc.

    You've got some great ideas - try them out! I operate by the Principal of Good Enough (POGE) and recommend it to you when working with technology. Create something with a simple design and start using it - then modify it based on how it is working for you.
